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San Replenishment Update 3/16

We received an update from the Program Manager for the current beach renourishment project on Ocean View Beach.   Unfortunately, only 12,000 CY of the 14,000 CY of sand is expected to be sourced from the HRBT area at Willoughby Spit.   This means the remaining effort will focus on the critical areas of erosion west of 30th Bay St to shore up the dunes, especially around the beach access points at 27th and 28th Bay Sts.   The sand/debris area that is a concern was not removed. The rains and tides have washed some of the debris towards the jetties, and the contractor will continue to collect the debris during periods of low tide. The City is considering raking some areas of the beach as well.   The remaining sand placement and debris collection could be completed by the end of next week and the beach reopened.  

At the March 28th Coastal Management Review Board meeting at Mary D. Pretlow Library (4:30-6pm), both the near-term and the full beach replenishment efforts will be discussed.  We will provide an update on these efforts at the April 4th Membership meeting.   

William F. Keplesky 

President,  East Ocean View Civic League

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