Dear EOVCL Members and Community Partners,
The Ocean View Avenue Transportation Study Advisory Group met on June 13. 2022. The purpose of the meeting was to receive an update on the results of the study inputs, and to review potential safety measure concepts for future study and application.
The study identified three priority safety concerns:
1. Pedestrian safety, specifically crossing points at beach accesses 2. Reducing vehicle speed 3. Bicyclist and Scooter operator safety
The study results also demonstrated very limited support for golf carts operating on Ocean View Ave. Currently golf carts can cross Ocean View Ave at intersections with a traffic light.
The City then provided several concepts to address the safety concerns. They included additional crosswalks, crosswalk enhancements for greater visibility, lowering the speed limit to 30 mph, and contiguous lane repurposing to add bicycle / scooter lanes. These concepts will be presented for resident feedback at the next in-person community group meeting on 27 June, from 6 - 7:30pm. Further details and the location will be provided through the Transportation Study email list and at
Bill Keplesky East Ocean View Civic League