1-mile & 2-mile Open Water Swim 9AM
1-mile Open Water Relay Swim (4-person teams) 10:45AM
Awards after Relay Swim
FREE - Mermaid Festival! 12-3PM - on the BEACH at Ocean View Beach Park!
Race Awards, Queen Mermaid - Jennifer Warner - Kids’ Activities, OV Vendors, Music, Face Painting, & MORE!
PACKET PICK-UP for SWIMMERS: Mudita Cafe, Friday, June 2nd from 4PM-5:30PM.
After Party at Mudita Café
A portion of proceeds benefit the Norfolk Silver Dolphins youth competitive swimming program.
Building confidence through water safety. Swimming is a skill that is enjoyed for a lifetime.
OVS is seeking volunteers for Saturday, June 3rd! Be a part of OV's FIRST Mermaid Festival! Specifically, we are requesting:
Volunteers and sponsors to help race set up and take down, water station(s), Goodie bag prep/swag donations, face painting assistants, fairy hair assistants, photography (on the water, in kayak)
Sponsors and Volunteers contact Richard Hahn today at 757-535-6142 or rhahn8959@gmail.com.
For Swag bag promo and donations, please coordinate with Carrie Lewis at 757-277-3827 and carrie@coveredbycarrie.com.
Register here --> Ocean View Sports
