For those who may not be aware, the East Beach Institute (EBI) is an independent, non-profit dedicated to community development through philanthropy, enrichment, and engagement across Ocean View neighborhoods. It was started by the East Beach Company in 2003; and was turned over to the first five-member, resident-only Board in 2017.
Last year, EBI awarded $28,000 to ten deserving organizations. Among them are the Storehouse Ministry, Jonathan Cares, East Beach Circle of CHKD, East Ocean View Beach Athletic Association, East Beach Forum, and Armed Services YMCA. When combined with amounts granted since the five-member, resident-owner board assumed leadership responsibility in 2017, EBI has now awarded just under $100,000 to a variety of charities that address one or more of the three missions of the Institute shown above. For the last two years, each organization was also required to demonstrate a focus on at least one of three areas that were particularly stressed in our Ocean View community during the COVID-19 pandemic: food insecurity, education, and mental health. COVID concerns may be fewer now but food, education, and mental health needs remain strong.
The solicitation process for grant proposals this year will begin soon, with awards expected early this fall. In addition to several of the recipients invariably applying again, we believe there are projects our own citizens might already have thought of but they need just a slight “nudge” and/or financial incentive to make that idea a reality. We would encourage you, when the solicitation announcement comes out, and you have an idea--or know of an individual or organization that does--for a project or initiative that benefits the residents of Ocean View and satisfies one or more of the missions of the Institute, to put together your proposal and submit it in accordance with guidelines that will be specified. You can be assured it will be reviewed and evaluated along with every other proposal received. Let’s all continue to think about the needs of those around us.